Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm

It is difficult to see much in today’s post’s picture, since it was taken in the middle of a storm. Lately, when there have been storms outside, I have been taking some time to safely watch them. The last storm I watched was quite entertaining and relaxing at the same time. While watching the last few storms, my mind starting coming up with the idea for today’s food for thought writing post, Weathering the Storm. Read, connect, and learn.

Weathering the Storm

Driving through a storm,

And you can’t see anything.

Everything is falling down hard.

Unless you can get a safe place to stop at the side or an exit stop,

You may have your adrenaline pumping at full force

And tunneled thoughts on complaining about the vision impairing storm.

Being in the middle of a storm of life is not fun.

It’s hard to focus.

Taking a break to step aside from the storm for a moment can help.

When you take a step back,

Sometimes you can see the storm of life with fresh eyes.

You can watch the storm from the open garage of your mind.

You still hear the storm crash down,

But now your breath has slowed down.

The rain is rushing down,

Yet you are seeing it now from the outside and in a feeling of safety.

The raining mental storm of excessive thoughts begin to drift along with the wind

As if it is a leaf caught onto a stream

Arriving and floating on its way to somewhere new.

It’s time to acknowledge what my thoughts,

Then let them ride the breeze past your present.

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