Under Construction

Under Construction

This week’s post Under Construction focuses on self-improvement and improvements found in life. The picture which goes along the post was taken during standstill no movement construction traffic not while in the process of actually driving. Read, connect, and reflect.

Under Construction

Road work ahead.

As people, we seem to think of our home state having the worst construction for roads.

Those road projects which are never ending.

Yet, after taking road trips across the country,

I saw something which made me change that thinking.

State to state each one had its own large stretch of construction on main and side roads alike.

At other points, the road construction covers a small area yet is a struggle still.

Reactions will vary concerning navigating the construction traffic.

Similar to roads everywhere in each state having roads getting work done,

As individual people the same could be said.

Everyone is working on their lives in their own ways.

We can become caught up on what we have going on

That we can easily forget what may be going on with other people.

The areas of their life construction may cover a small area or a large area of their life.

You will not know unless they tell you.

Everyone is working as hard as they can to fight their battles.

Be kind as best you can.

Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm

Midwest Goodbye

Midwest Goodbye