Time Travel 2.0

Time Travel 2.0

I will cut straight to the focused writing for the post today. Today’s post focuses on time travel. Enjoy!

Time Travel

I have been thinking lately why I like time travel. If there is a movie, a book, or any story which has time travel integrated in it, I most likely will watch it. I am drawn to time travel due to the possibilities. These possibilities include visiting the past and the future.

The past would be a travel destination which I would want to do for the changing the past. At times, rumination of how I would have changed matters overcomes me. I know the past, so why would I not be able to change it. After thinking about this awhile, I realize that this is something I can do. If I would go back to change the past, would I mess with time and change who I am today? Although the mistakes and unfortunate aspects of my past were not great, I would not be who I am today without them. So, I will shift my focus my time traveling to the future.  

The future lures me in due to facing my unfortunate companion of the unknown. Further, the future appeals to making the unfamiliar familiar to me without me having to wait for that moment to come. Knowing the future would be comforting to me. However, am I really living life if I already know the future? Does that take away a part of living my life to the fullest? I do not know how I feel about the unknown exactly. What if that’s alright?

Maybe, I will postpone attempting to time travel literally by substituting it with literary means. Then, I can focus and put my energy into living in the present. The present time is starting to be one of my favorite times to live.



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The Basement Blues