Time Travel

Time Travel

Have you ever thought about traveling through time? You could go to the past and see historical events or you could go to the future and create historical event. Experience an actual event you had learned in history class or find out how technology modifies the future. Nonetheless, movies and television shows centering around time travel make the concept seem possible as long as you have the right vessel. Well, the writing for today is a food for thought about a few tips for modern time travel methods thinking in terms of books as the vessels. Travel safely, fellow time travelers!

Time Travel


I want to travel back in time

By learning how the world,

Real and fictional,

Came to be from a voice of the past.

I want to travel in a blue box

That is bigger on the inside

For experiencing past lives and events.

Therefore, I will keep reading as much as I can.


I want to travel into the future

Leaving my footprint on the world.

Driving the DeLorean eighty-eight miles per hour

Where roads are not needed

With the words and actions

Changing from blurry to high definition.

Live now to step into the future.

Therefore, I will keep writing as much as I can.



The New Way Highway

The New Way Highway