Dinner For Three

Dinner For Three

Dinner For Three is the first short story for this blog. This year took a toll on my mind, but gave me some great inspiration for writing along the way. One of the writing ideas I kept going back to was the following story concept. I am hoping this story may help someone else out who may be in a similar mindset at this stage in whatever is going on in their life. If not, that’s alright too. Either way, all I hope for is that this story gets minds thinking, imagining, and possibly learning.

Dinner For Three

By: Monica Tews

         One night a special dinner had taken place. There was a reservation for three at a restaurant. The host set up a table set for three under the name Self. In a few minutes, three vaguely similar looking individuals took their seats at the table. 

         The last guest for the meal had finally arrived. Present had been trying to be evermore present but did not show up to the meal until now. The reservation was under the name Self. The host of the restaurant led Present to the table which was already occupied by Past and Future. The waiter, who introduced himself as Time, asked if the group was ready to order which everyone at the table nodded in agreement.

         Past replied right away. “I am going to get the house burger with an orange soda.”

         “Good choice.” Present commented while quickly choosing to order next. “I’m going to get the Chicken Caesar Salad and some water. What about you Future?”

         “I can’t say.”

         Present glared at Future. Seriously, you can’t tell me a simple answer as that? Although Future would not directly tell Present what the last order would be, Future did tell the waiter her order. When Future spoke with the waiter, her voice sounded as if it was an adult attempting to talk during a Peanut’s cartoon movie.

         After the waiter left, Present observed her eating companions. Present examined Future and noticed something. Present had tried to clean her glasses lenses, but Future still had a blurry visage. Present’s eyes kept hurting. Looking at Past did not help either. Every time Present returned a glance at Past her appearance shifted a little bit.

         Present attempted to strike up some different conversations, “Since my suitcase got lost on the exchange flights, would I be able to borrow some clothes for tomorrow?”

         Past piped up right away, “You can borrow some of my clothes.”

         Present sized up Past and her outfit. “Uhhh…. thanks… but my style has evolved since the last time we saw each other. Maybe, I’ll take your offer if I can’t find anything else. What about you, Future? What clothes could I borrow from you?”

         “I can’t say. Not yet.”

         Present could not help throwing another irritated look towards Future. Present moved onto another topic of current listening habits. “What have you guys been listening to lately?”

         “My playlist is mainly 80’s music and whatever my siblings are listening to. A lot of alternative rock and indie hits of late.” Past inserted.

“That’s right. I could sing all of those songs easily. No doubt. My latest listening habits are a combination of music of basically all genres. Oh, I even have been starting to listen to some podcasts.” Present added. “Future, your listening preferences? More music, podcasts, or audiobooks?

Future took a minute to finish chewing whatever she was eating to supply a big whopping, “I cannot say. Not yet.”

         This time around Past was the one which led the transition into the next conversation topic having sensed the frustration of Present directed towards Future. “Do you guys want to do anything later on? We could binge watch a one of the tv shows I have on DVD or do a movie marathon?”

         Present contemplated this suggestion. “I could watch maybe one episode or one movie. That would be my limit though. I am working on balancing my life with only a small portion sizes permitted to relax with a show or movie, otherwise I try to learn, read, workout, and take advantage of quality moments with people. Future?”

         “Hmmm… not yet.”

“Next topic.” Present transitioned with a huff, “Past, I know that you did not have a boyfriend. I have only been on one date. So, Future, can you tell me if I find a boyfriend or husband down the road? Or even have kids?”

         Future looked at Present with a smile and replied, “I cannot tell you anything at this time. Not yet.”

         “Alright,” Present huffed, “Let’s actually get to why I brought us all together. I need to figure out where I will be living in a few months. I am in a transitional limbo stage and want answers. Where should I live?”

         “You can live at my place.” Past suggested.

         “Possibly…” Present hesitated, “Maybe I will stop by if I cannot find somewhere new or at least for the holidays. Future, where do you live or what do you suggest? Or can you even tell me?”

         “I can’t say at this time.” Future replied while Present scoffed.

         “Of course you can’t. Can you at least tell me what I will be doing for a living?”

         “Not yet.”

Present took out her frustration on Future by snagging some of the mystery food which the waiter had recently placed in front of Future. Immediately, Present started choking on whatever the food was supposed to be.

Once Present coughed up the food, Present could not hold back tears while asking Future, “What can you tell me?”

Future deliberated for a few seconds before answering, “Patience.”

“Alright, but I’m still not satisfied with that answer.”

Future smiled and remarked, “That’s alright. I know how you are feeling.”

Time had a sly way of sneaking in and bringing Self back to reality. When the he arrived with the check for the meal, Past and Present did not have enough to cover the price. Thankfully, Future paid the check somehow. At the end of the meal, everyone collected their possessions and said their goodbyes. Past, Present, and Future departed from each other while still keeping close in contact. Past, Present, and Future all went on their own ways although sometimes Present would call either Past or Future more at certain times of life. At other times, Present dwelled well by herself. No matter what, each part of self could only live together. 

The End

When I come up with an idea for writing, at times I start to think of various songs which relate to the concept I am trying to convey. It’s as if most of the pieces which I am writing have a mini soundtrack with them. Although I mention that, not every writing which I post on here will have an accompanying playlist. If you are interested in listening to the playlist for this post, the Spotify playlist which I made for Dinner For Three is listed below. Enjoy!


The Spectacles

The Spectacles