Tug of War

Tug of War

Lately, I have been playing a lot of tug of war. Playing tug of war with a dog got my mind thinking a bit. This week’s post Tug of War delves into the decisions of life. Read. Reflect. Connect

Tug of War


Battles of tug of war happen mentally every day.

Do I get up at my alarm or hit the snooze button?

Do I work out today or not?

Do I eat an apple or a donut?

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

The simple and the small to the complex and ambiguous.

Should I move to a new city or stay in the same place?

Should I go to college or not?

Should I make a dream into a goal or leave it a dream?

The clear quick decisions become gray blurred ones.

 Whether your smaller decisions each day go in favor of your bigger goals or against them, you are working towards what you want. Either way you are successful at doing what you want for the given moment through either action or inaction. You fight for what you want for the present time or the future you.

What tug of war battle are you currently fighting?

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