Copy and Paste

Copy and Paste

This week’s post Copy and Paste deals with approaching conversations in life. Will you take on the challenge?

Copy and Paste



I have been noticing myself filling silence with this word recently a lot.

The word aids to cover the void hanging in conversations.

Similar to default greetings, this is another copy and paste example of conversation.

Filler words can be interesting.

Not necessarily good or bad,

Yet they are there helping make the emptiness filled.

Somewhere along the way we learned how these word fillers served to fill the silence.

Either subconsciously or consciously we use those words from that point forward.

A little safety net of words as we navigate through the conversation with another person.

I want to challenge you all for this week.

Keep an ear and your mind on the ready for your own filler words.

What copy and paste words and phrases are your go-to’s?

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