Hit It

Hit It

Ever hit the buttons of an appliance and not get what you want? Or even after several attempts finally get what you wanted but in all from a different combination of buttons? This may be a stretch this week, but this week’s post Hit It tries to relate buttons to life. Habits as a sort of button of life? Let me know your thoughts. Have a great week!

Hit It

Hit the buttons of life.

Certain combinations make life easier.

You can keep trying to hit the same combination of buttons.

Hit the same button once and get what you wanted.

If you want something else,

That same button is futile for the purpose of doing anything else.

The buttons of a music player bring forth song,

While the buttons of life can may end up automatic at times.

Life habits could be either positive or negative.

Routine procedure of pushing of buttons for life through various behaviors.

Although, be careful not to push the buttons of people.



Greeting Levels

Greeting Levels