Greeting Levels

Greeting Levels

Each interaction with people in our lives are not always the same. Sometimes the current situation or circumstance may vary up how we interact with those in our lives. This week’s post Greeting Level explores the different interaction levels we have with people for when we greet people. Connect and enjoy!

Greeting Level

What level are we at?

I walk down the street and see you.

We see each other and give smiles and the “sup” head nods.

I walk down the street and see you.

We give each other the copy and paste answer to the question,

“How are you?”

I walk down the street and see you.

We do our secret handshake.

I walk down the street and see you.

We call each other the wrong name or say our inside joke phrase.

I walk down the street and see you.

Deeper and deeper is the level.

We leave the conversation shortcuts and head to the deep cuts.

Not I am good, but let me give it to you for real.

We seem to stop time without noticing while catching up.

We may have last seen each other the previous day,

But who from the outside would be able to say.

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