The Buford Tales

The Buford Tales

Have you ever thought about what goes through the mind of an animal? Unless you have the invention from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs no one will ever truly know. Yet, this thought still stands in my mind and has sparked my creative interest the past couple years for a short story. This weeks post delves into the beginning of a fictional short story of the life of a dog named Buford. This is by no means perfect at this time, although I like to drop some of the stories I have for filling up my mind and computer as a work in progress. Enjoy!

The Buford Tales

Chapter 1

My life hasn’t been too long yet, only a little over a year long, but it seems to be already a struggle for being a mixed breed of dog.

            A year ago, my mom gave birth to me and my four brothers and sisters in a good home with a good family. My mother took care of me for a couple of weeks, while different humans would show up to see us. But when you’re different, not too many humans want to hang out with you. The same group of humans kept coming and checking my siblings and me out, and eventually those humans took me to a new house to live.

            These humans helped me grow up. They gave me food and shelter. In order to get a treat, my humans had me crawl on the ground until I was close to them. My humans would try to touch my paws to get a treat but I was having none of that. I just don’t like paws being touched after how the youngest human used to play rough with me. One night I ran too quickly by the stairs and stumbled down them. Now, I’ll just avoid any kind of stairs.

            Own of my favorite activities is walking around the land. That’s one of favorite parts about this place called Mississippi. You can just wander around the area. Well, wandering is all good until this one day that I kinda got lost. I couldn’t find my way home at all.

            I kept walking the streets trying to find some food or any shelter. Oh my, I don’t know if I will see my humans ever again.

            One day a person approached me and led me to their car. Obviously, I went in. I mean car ride. What I found out though was that this car led to the communal kennel. I overheard in the pound one of the humans saying that they were going to need to move me to a new, strange land. When I caught sight of the piece of paper which the human in charge was holding all I caught was a weird word written as Wisconsin. I am not sure what that means but I guess I am about to find out soon.

Greeting Levels

Greeting Levels

