A Friend Like Me

A Friend Like Me

I would read Charles Dickens’ books growing up many times. One of the facts I learned from the books was the background history of how Charles Dickens’ stories for many of his eventual published books would begin as short portions printed in the local newspaper. So instead of the weekly comics, people could read the weekly installment of Charles Dickens’ latest story. I mentioned that backstory due to starting to do a similar method for this and certain future writing blog posts. This week’s post includes the first section of the short story titled “A Friend Like Me. “ I first wrote this story a few years ago. Enjoy the first installment!

A Friend Like Me

Chapter 1


            Sophia had a decent life, but she wanted more. She walked through life surrounded by people and yet she still felt all alone. College. Work. The coffee shop. Each place moving with people and yet empty to the core. Do not get the wrong idea. Sophia has a solid group of family and friends. So, how can she still feel lonely?

When she would see that one of her favorite bands was coming to town, she would check with her people to find no one wanting to go with her. Same would happen when she wanted to see a sporting event for the sake of watching a sporting event, yet again being lost on who could go with her. So forth this seemed to continue for Sophia event after event and activity after activity.

Normally, Sophia could block out what is bothering her deep down but not today. Sophia had just finished picking up her car from the shop and could not help the tears from rolling down her face on the drive home. These tears were deep. The tears were not about the price of the car repair but something else. Sophia was suddenly overwhelmed by her life. She tried to think through whom she could call and describe her misfortune for the day, but no one came to mind out of her vast circle of friends.

            That night Sophia had a powerful thought before falling asleep. “I know that I can’t be friends with myself, but I just want a friend like me.”


Chapter 2

At 7:53am, Sophia’s alarm blared.

Sophia turned off the alarm, slowly rolled out of bed, and made her way into the bathroom. While she was washing her face, Sophia heard an unusual voice coming from the kitchen. Sophia creeped into the kitchen and held her flat iron as a potential weapon. When she stepped through the kitchen door, Sophia dropped her flat iron.

“Who are you?”

It was as if Sophia was looking into a 3-D mirror or a hologram. The figure standing before her had the same hair color and length and body height as well as facial features including a scar on her left hand from trying to jump from the one tree to another as a child. Her clothes were different than Sophia’s though. The clothes for her outfit were what Sophia always wanted to have in her closet. A picture of sophisticated style instead of the usual very casual every day look.

“I am you… or at least your mind.”

Am I hallucinating? Sophia thought which as she was thinking this to herself the figure in front of her was voicing her thought a loud.

“Why are you saying my thoughts?”

“Because I am your mind personified… or if we want to get technical, your consciousness or ego personified.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yes, ego,” the figure replied smiling at her Latin pun.

Sophia took a seat and thought through her situation.

“I am talking with my ego who is in front of me as a person?”

“If it makes things a little easier, you can call me Sophie.”

Sophia had to find the nearest chair to gather herself. This is really happening. Still Sophie was speaking Sophia’s thoughts a loud. As Sophia started to focus on her breathing, she began to hear some music coming from a car outside.

At that moment Sophia and Sophie had the exact same thought. Dance party! They became a living embodiments of a Billy Idol song. There was no fear of judgment. They both could dance as they wished to their eclectic assortment of songs ranging for 80’s pop to indie hits to EDM to modern hits. Runinng man. Figurative dancing. They were dancing like no one was watching since only technically they were watching themselves dance.

            After being five songs deep in a dancing workout, Sophia heard the keys jiggle from the front door. It ended up being Sophia’s roommate, Jasmine, returning from class.

Jasmine immediately started to vent to Sophia about her first class of the day.

            “Can Jasmine see you?” Sophia whispered Sophie.

            Sophie only shrugged her shoulders, and they both watched how Jasmine would react.

            “Hey, Jasmine.” Sophia interrupted, “Do you notice anything strange in the apartment?”

            Jasmine stared at Sophia for a few seconds before looking around the apartment. “No. Is there supposed to be something strange going on?”

            Sophia shook her head no as Jasmine continued her venting session. Once Jasmine was all talked out, she went into her room to watch some whatever was the first interesting show on the television. When Sophia had the room all to herself again, she smiled wide.

“Sophie, let’s go see if anyone outside this apartment can see you.”

To be continued.

Thank you for reading! Future parts of “A Friend Like Me” will be available in future weeks.

Favorite Type of Day

Favorite Type of Day

