Favorite Type of Day
If you read last week’s post, you may be ready for part two of “A Friend Like Me.” Don’t worry, there is a part two of the story on its way. It is just that part two will not be this posted this week. I decided to break up the previous post’s story because of how life has been this past week. I have left myself flexibility for what writing posts I put on here. When life keeps emphasizing one area of life, I will shift around slightly my blog writing post timeline. Thus, please take in “Favorite Type of Day” for a about a minute. What is your favorite type of day?
Favorite Type of Day
Today was my favorite type of day
Which was a productive day
Varying from what some may say.
Go around and ask people
How their ideal, favorite day would feel.
Most replies may be as the following replies:
Happy, fun, and relaxing.
Granted, I agree with those to a certain degree.
I am good with the above as long as it fits in the box.
It is either check yes or no in the question of the day.
Was I productive with my time today?
The feeling of accomplishment
Towers over all of the rest.
Therefore, I know I have done my best
So that I can have the quality rest.