The Buford Tales Part 2

The Buford Tales Part 2

This week I am releasing another chapter of The Buford Tales. If you have not read part 1 which was released a few months ago, I would recommend checking that out first. However, if you simply want to read this part on its own that would work too. Enjoy this next part of Buford’s journey and stayed in the coming months for more parts of the story.

Chapter 2


            In Wisconsin, I was in another kennel. A really nice kennel, actually. When I got there, the humans looked me over a bit and put a something in me for if I get lost again. The humans that worked there gave me baths and walked with me outside. Very fun! Oh, and this new place that I am at has many other dogs.

            For the past week or so a variety of different humans would walk by my kennel. A few of them would take me for walks outside even though they did not look like one of the humans who work at this place. A few of the dogs nearby me go for a walk with a new human either one or a small group of them and never come back. I dreamed for the time when a human would stop by me and take me with them to their home.

            One day, a pack of three humans came to visit me. There was a father with his two daughters. They began checking out a few of my neighbors and me at the same time by walking past a few times before circling back to me. When the human pack stopped a second time by my kennel area, a staff worker let me go for a walk outside with them. Fresh air and muddy areas in the grass were great, but the potential of going to a new home with a human pack is even greater. I sure my hope isn’t too high. I tried my best not to get too distracted by those pesky squirrels outside.

            Those humans left and returned later in the day. When they returned, they took me into another room for the young humans to play with me while the older human was talking with the kennel worker. I was lead to a few different rooms before the kennel worker waved goodbye as I left the building. This time I was leaving the kennel for the last time or so I hope is the case.

            The ride to this human pack’s home had my vision blurry for a few reasons. I was sitting in the backseat with the youngest human and felt each of the bumps from the road. At the same time, my mind was becoming blurred with how this human family will make me a part of their life.

Gratitude List 2020

Gratitude List 2020

