

This week’s post Scones connects to one of the reasons for the name of this writing blog. What’s a food your obsessed with?

Have a great Thanksgiving week!



Scones, scones, scones.

A weary traveler could not get them out of her mind.

She skipped over the pond.

Then, exploring the lands the traveler took in the local experience.

Afternoon tea arrived along with scones.

Scones with jam and clotted cream.

She thought it was a dream.

Yet, this was reality for the traveler.

Every time afternoon tea came the traveler made sure to get a scone too

And sometimes an extra round of scones.

The scones were rotated to be a mix of plain, fruit, and fig.

Once the traveler made her way to the other side of the pond,

She could not get the scones out of her mind.

The traveler looked everywhere in her native land for these authentic scones,

When instead she found pale impersonations of the real deal.

The traveler only tasted bleakness from any other food for a meal.

After months of searching and almost giving up,

The traveler found the prized scones in a hidden piece of the land.

She could not believe her eyes,

But her stomach took in the truth with delight.

The traveler found peace again in a scone.

Heating Up

Heating Up

Gratitude List 2020

Gratitude List 2020