Lessons from Dogs: Walks

Lessons from Dogs: Walks

Lessons from Dogs: Walks


There is much we can learn from dogs about life. Today, we will focus on what we can learn from dog walks.


Walks are integral parts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for a dog for not only exercise but also multiple opportunities to explore. Some ways that dogs explore is through new sights, sounds, and terrains along with a variety of new friends in different forms. Another way that dogs explore on walks is through smell. Each time that a dog stops by a tree or a grassy area to sniff out the spot, they are collecting information about other dogs, creatures, and ongoing passing of events from a previous time at the specific spot. The stimulation brought forth from smelling familiar and unfamiliar areas on walks provide dogs a way to feed their curious minds.


How can people use this information about dogs into their own lives?


People tend to fixate on how to quickly get from point A to point B. Whether the end destination is a physical one or a completion of a goal in mind, there is not much encouraged room for dillydallying. When people get tunnel vision on the route of their destination, this path may lead to unhealthy measures along the way. Yet, if we can learn one thing from dogs, it is that fostering curiosity and exploration on the journey towards our own respective destination enables opportunities for a greater overall well-being. Therefore, allow a healthy dose of exploration and adventure into life where applicable.   

Keep an eye out for more ways for lessons from dogs.

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