Lessons from Dogs: Soak Up the Sun

Lessons from Dogs: Soak Up the Sun

Lessons from Dogs: Soak Up the Sun


Although exploring outside through a walk is ideal, that option may not always be available. That’s where the next lesson from dogs comes into play for soaking up the sun wherever you are.


Dogs chilling in the house find where the rays of sun peak through the window and then follow sun throughout the day. Canines are onto something here.


What if as people we followed suit? Sure, physically as to capture the warmth and vitamin D from the sun. Mostly though for the mental side of searching for the good in each day. Each day contains little wins. Those wins are not easy to find each time, yet they are there.


How are you going to soak up the sun throughout your day?

Stay or Exit

Stay or Exit

Lessons from Dogs: Walks

Lessons from Dogs: Walks