Emotion Aerobics

Emotion Aerobics

More times than not, identifying emotions is a difficult process. Thus, a mental workout is in order. Inspired by the Alphabet Aerobics, here is the Emotion Aerobics to curl those mental muscles surrounding emotions. Ready? Let’s go.

Emotion Aerobics



I’ve been feeling blue.

My sadness is driving me to madness.

All that is in view is doom and gloom.

Instead of included I feel excluded.

I wish to have relief from my grief.

I can’t help but frown from feeling down.

You can’t call me a respondent because lately I’ve been despondent.



I am green with envy.

Instead of being full of awe I feel awful.

Although I am repelled, I am pulled into the disgust.

I wish there was removal of the disapproval.

Although that is not what I meant, I am filled with embarrassment.



The shadow of gray covers my path.

What is not near is what I fear.

I am consumed with apprehension due to lack of comprehension.

We save face to avoid disgrace.

I wish for anxiety to not use my mind as propriety.

I wish I could be whelmed instead of overwhelmed.

After how all had fared, I worried and scared.

I am horrified, petrified, and terrified.



All I see is red.

Here’s all my frustration because of the situation.

My thoughts are fast and furious.

I am irate about this fate.

Since I’m not in, I’m outraged.

I am irritated and aggravated.



I am feeling a bit like an orange since some may not have expected me.

Let’s start now that I’m startled.

Have I been electrocuted?

Because I feel shocked.

I cannot relax because I’m perplexed.



I am feeling mellow yellow.

Oh, what a delight!

I am glad that I’m not mad.

All I want to say is yippee because of my glee.

No matter the content I am content.

I am excited, stoked, and hyped.

Oh deary, how I am cheery.

I am thrilled beyond belief.

Holding On

Holding On

