

This week, I thought back to Christmas presents which I have received in past years. One present that popped into my mind was receiving Backyard Hockey for PC when I was in grade school. This week’s post, Backyard, goes back to some of the ways I enjoyed my days while I was younger. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


When I grew up, I spent some time in the backyard.

In the backyard, my imagination blossomed.

I would be running around saving the day,

And throwing the Frisbee as far as it could go.

I would run laps around the tree line with my dog for a workout.

The deadline for playing in the backyard was at sunset.

Growing up in the backyard made me who I am today.

The backyard filled with nature was not the only backyard to raise me.

I would play baseball, basketball, and hockey with Pablo, Kiesha, Achmed, and the rest of the gang.

Eventually, the professionals joined in the games

Leading me to learn more about sports world for that time period.

Outside may have been a sunny day,

But my moment was commentated by Sunny Day.

Growing up in the Backyard made me who I am today.

Bring It 2020

Bring It 2020

