All In

All In

Chance is an inevitable aspect of life, unfortunately. If you go to casino, you will find many games with a focus on chance. This week’s post, All In, focuses on the connection between the two. Enjoy!

All In

Life is about taking risks.

These risks can be small or large.

When those opportunities of risk arise,

You can do one of two options.

You can put in the lowest chip to wager on yourself

Or put in all of your chips.

It can be comforting to place small some wagers

By waiting for the perfection life opportunities to arrive.

I feel I need to shift my mindset.

No opportunity will be truly perfect.

So, I am planning on taking more chances

And putting my chips on me.

From this point forth,

risks and uncertainty will not paralyze me.

Watch out world.

The Road

The Road

Trade In

Trade In