When Friendship Rings

When Friendship Rings

When Friendship Rings


Friendship rings forth.

You either have a plethora of pictures with friends or a slim amount.

No matter the case, friendship rings out in various wavelengths.

At times friendship is fostered through proximity

 such as the case with many school and work situations.

The bell resounds loudly during these numerous interactions in a short period of time.

Friendships evolve over time.

With such changes comes an increase or decrease of how loud the bell of friendship is heard.

Regardless of how soft or loud the sound becomes,

The friendship can be heard.

The memories ring forth from the past, present, and future.

The experiences ring on their own special note each time.

They cannot be replicated.

Yet, the friendships of old are to be cherished,

And friendship of the future embarked with adventure.

 The sounds of time give shape to our lives.


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