One Less Wheel

One Less Wheel

Burnout is a struggle found in life. Sometimes struggles help inspire ideas for the future creatively. This week’s post One Less Wheel examines the topic of burnout. Read. Reflect. Connect.


One Less Wheel


You drive down calm street taking the journey at your own leisure.

Eventually, your journey takes you onto the freeway feeling the needed accelerated speed.

Suddenly, you lose control.

In the process you lose a tire.

For a moment you are at a standstill.

You give a valiant effort on three wheels,

Yet can only make it a few more miles before losing any more tires.

Down the road you take an exit ramp for recovery.

When the repair and restoration is not possible by yourself,

You call a tow truck, family, or friends for support.

Once suitable assistance has you covered,

You return to the route on your own pace and gears.

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