The Novelties of Life

The Novelties of Life

The Novelties of Life


You never know what the next adventure will be even if you think you do.

Even when the covers of possibilities have one design another may be waiting within the pages.

Sometimes the blank covers provide more opportunity than originally expected.

The next story could behold only a couple pages or hundreds.

The story could be of be an appealing or uninteresting one.

You’ll never know what life will present.

You will never know until you go page by page and chapter by chapter even book by book.

The opportunities may seem nebulous from the outside.

Feel free to take a peak and decide from there.

The wait for the next great life adventure always seems longer in the moment.

Keep browsing and diving into the unknown of the novelties of life.

Swing On

Swing On

Staying on Ground Level

Staying on Ground Level